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Museum Development Midlands

Empowering Midlands museums to thrive

Two young children trying telegram equipment in a museum.

About Us

Museum Development Midlands (MDM), funded by Arts Council England (ACE) delivered in partnership by Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust and Leicestershire County Council. 

Our MDM team is based throughout the Midlands and provides great opportunities for development, training, support, networks and grants.

MDM brings a strong understanding of the museum sector and trusted relationships with local museums and networks. We empower museums to thrive, through a varied programme of support informed by the ACE Let’s Create Strategy. 

MDM is part of a national network of Museum Development providers across England.

Our Programme

We support museums through targeted development programmes, grants, training opportunities, advice, information and 1:1 support which respond to Arts Council England’s Strategy, Let’s Create.

We will prioritise bookings from staff and volunteers at Accredited Museums and museums officially Working Towards Accreditation which are not National museums or National Portfolio Organisations (NPO). You’re welcome to book a place if you are not from a priority museum on the understanding we may ask you to release your place if the event becomes oversubscribed.

Hands holding an old fashioned hair ornament above a museum storage drawer with other hair accessories.

Our latest news

Keep up to date with all our latest news by visiting our News section. You’ll also find news from across the sector including Arts Council England.

A picture of a horse statue in a glass case.


Our resource section is divided into three subsections.  

Our Resources 

This section includes resources developed or commissioned by MDM such as the Annual Museum Survey report, MDM Networks, case studies, videos and toolkits. You will also find many of the resources previously held on the Museum Development East Midlands and West Midlands Museum Development websites. 

Go to Our Resources

Sector Resources

This section has useful links to independent networks, funders and sector partners. It also signposts to resources covering environmental; diversity, equity and inclusion; emergency risk and support.

Visit the Sector Support Resources

Accredited Museums

This section lists all the Midlands-based Accredited museums and those who are Working Towards Accreditation and includes a link to the museum’s website.

Visit the Accredited Museums page

Museum Development Midlands logo.


Our website offers you the facility to advertise paid and voluntary Midlands-based opportunities with your museum or heritage organisation. Head to the Vacancies page to view current opportunities or to advertise your opportunity.

Visit the Vacancies page to view current vacancies and freelance tenders.

Advertise your opportunity

Newsletter Sign Up

To receive regular updates on our training, support programmes and grants please sign up for our newsletter.