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Join the Midlands Trustee Network Online Community

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The Midlands Trustee Network online community is now live with a private Facebook group.

Join the Midlands Trustee Network Online Community on Facebook

The online community for the Midlands Trustee Network is now live. It's a private Facebook group specifically for Trustees of museums in the Midlands and MD Midlands team. It’s designed to be a useful space for peer exchange, Trustee network event information, resources and links to relevant funders.

Content of the Midlands Trustee Network Facebook group is focused on success in being a museum Trustee. It’s got useful guidance on some of the key challenges that museums face - like understanding Trustee duties; or being an effective museum board.

How to Join the Group

Go to: and click join.

Answer a couple of questions which will be used to filter and approve your membership request.

The group has some simple ground rules and you’ll be asked to agree to these on joining. Once you’re in, go to the discussion and introduce yourself and your museum to the rest of the group. Next, explore the Guides section where you’ll find loads of useful guidance for museum Trustees.

You’ll need a Facebook account to join the community. If you don’t have one yet, go to Facebook click Create new account. More help on creating a Facebook account is available at:

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