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Roots & Branches Programme 2024-2026 update

Building with green balconies and roof.

Roots & Branches is an award-winning environmentally-driven collaborative project between Museum Development England (MDE), The Carbon Literacy Project and Manchester Museum.

Roots & Branches is an award-winning environmentally-driven collaborative project between Museum Development England (MDE), The Carbon Literacy Project and Manchester Museum. The Roots & Branches online programme includes:

The Programme will help to shape an environmentally aware and active sector, giving museums the tools to respond to ‘Let’s Create’, Art Council England’s 10-year strategy in which environmental responsibility is at the core.

Who is the Programme for?

Priority for places across the Programme will be for Accredited Museums and those Working Towards Accreditation in England that are not DCMS sponsored National museums or ACE funded National Portfolio Organisations.

The Carbon Literacy for Museums Toolkit is also available to all museums who may wish to roll out Carbon Literacy training in their own organisations.

The Roots & Branches Programme for 2024 onwards is being managed by MD North on behalf of MDE. Alison Criddle, Museum Development Adviser: Environmental Responsibility at Museum Development North is leading on the Programme or email MDM if you have any questions.

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